DSH Audio Visions is a nationally-known independent audio and video design consulting firm. We are highly regarded by manufacturers, installation contractors, and end users. Why? Because we do things just a bit differently than other consultants. Yes, we design sound, acoustic, and video systems for all kinds of venues. But it’s HOW we do what we do that sets us apart. In a nutshell…
- We are an independent consulting firm.We are not an installer or an equipment dealer. We don’t have any product to sell. We design. Period. We don’t sell a layout based on what we have to sell. That means the right solutions for you, with the right products for the application, without the sales quotas that tie a dealer to a manufacturer. We design the systems and then procure competitive bids for the project.
- We specialize in liturgical houses of worship!We love to work in really lively ones like cathedrals where clear speech is very difficult to achieve, and spaces large and small where traditional choral and instrumental music as well as “less traditional” music and speech must all “play nice together.”
- We are very hands-on.Comprehensive needs analysis. Tight project management. Detailed, specific equipment lists. Complete schematic drawings. Power and conduit plans. This is what we do for every project as a matter of course, unlike some who put together loose “performance specifications.” And DSH-AV President David Hosbach personally tunes every sound system to ensure that what you envisioned is exactly what you hear.
- David is a choir director.He understands the necessary balance between acoustic and reinforced sound in a church. He knows when to and how to utilize microphones (and when not to!) to deliver the speech clarity you need and the choral (and other) music sound you seek.
- Your space must still look beautiful!Good sound and video is not the only imperative with our projects. We commit to you that we will keep intact the architectural beauty of your worship space while delivering the outstanding sound that you deserve.